Casady Athletic Training
An athletic trainer (AT) is an allied health care professional who collaborates with physicians and other healthcare professionals to optimize activity and participation for active individuals. After completing a four-year, accredited education program in Athletic Training, a candidate sits for an exam to obtain the national credential of Certified Athletic Trainer (ATC). Over 70% of athletic trainers complete an advanced degree. ATs are required to comply by National Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA) ethical standards and practice acts while remaining current with their continuing education hours.
The athletic trainers at Casady School provide immediate care for athletic injuries and illnesses, ranging from a scraped knee to a catastrophic head or neck injury. Whether a student suffers a sprained ankle or a concussion, the Casady team has the tools to manage the situation. Frequently, an injury can be handled and resolved “in-house.” However, when more serious issues arise, the ATs evaluate and manage an injury while concurrently referring to a physician for further care. Because Casady has close working relationships with many medical professionals, the ATs serve as the link from school injury to timely medical care. Oftentimes, the ATs make a phone call to expedite an ER trip or to arrange an immediate visit to a physician’s office.
Rehabilitation of athletic injuries and return-to-play progressions are other services the Casady athletic trainers provide for returning athletes to their sport. After any major injury, rehabilitation is necessary to restore range of motion, strength, and full function. The Casady team focuses on creating a program beginning with basics and leading up to sport-specific functional exercises. Depending on the injury specifics, the rehabilitation process may be as brief as one week, or as long as several months. Athletes often do rehab with the athletic trainers two to three times per week and supplement with either a home program or physical therapy.