Building the Athletics Core

Core | Strength and Performance

Learn about Casady's Core Strength and Performance Program

Strength and Performance Facility

Casady School’s Strength and Performance Program goes beyond the weight room. By developing the total student-athlete, we instill the long-term skills that push Cyclones to be the best person they can be, both on and off the field or court. Our professional staff implement training and wellness regiments that grow with the student-athlete and enhance their strength, power, and speed while setting them up for long-term success.

The School's Strategic Athletic Plan identified a growing need for space to fully accommodate our student-athletes’ training needs. An expanded, state-of-the-art Mathis Family Strength and Performance Center not only provides a safer environment, but also allows coaches more time to work on the tactical and technical side of sport. 

List of 7 items.

  • What is the Strength and Performance Philosophy at Casady?

    We believe that athletic development is a long-term process. All training modalities and progressions are structured and planned to coincide with the individual student-athlete’s movement capabilities. This process allows for constant improvement of on-field performance and a reduced risk of injury. We utilize science-based principles to maximize speed, strength, power, and energy system development.
  • How do the Pillars of the Strategic Athletic Plan play into this philosophy?

    Our job isn’t just to get the student-athletes faster, stronger, and more powerful. Our efforts are also driven towards shaping these young men and women into great people. Championship Character is something we try to instill in our students. At some point, life will bring adversity, and we want our student-athletes to be resilient, accountable, and disciplined when that day comes.
  • How is the Strength and Performance Program structured today?

    Our program is a research-based, data driven approach to strength, speed, and energy system development. This isn’t a program with a sole goal to lift heavy weights every day. This is truly a methodical approach to athletic development. We want to set up our student-athletes for long-term success, not just for short-term gain. By rushing this process student-athletes could be have higher risk of injury and lack of neuromuscular development.

    Student-athletes are categorized into four different training groups, all based on individual development. All Middle Division student-athletes train in “Block 0” until they reach ninth grade. These two years are extremely important in their development. Lifting weights is not rushed until the students express proficiency in handling their body weight. Once they are in Upper Division student-athletes have the opportunity to progress through the Athletics Level 1-3 programs. There is no specific timeline for these individuals since each child develops and matures differently.
  • What are the benefits of this 8,000-square-foot facility?

    During a normal training day there may be between 70-100 Upper Division student-athletes who come through the weight room. The amount of time to train is two hours, which is also shared with team practice. 

    With the Mathis Family Strength and Performance Center we can facilitate upwards of 70+ student-athletes at a time. This provides a safer environment and allows coaches more time with their student-athletes. Increasing the space and expanding into a new facility impacts sports performance training, while also providing our coaches more time to work on the tactical and technical side of sport. 
  • Is ths similar to a college strength and performance facility?

    The Mathis Family Strength and Performance Center is a state-of-the-art training facility.
  • What equipment and technology has been incorporated?

    Teambuildr is used to deliver training programs to our student-athletes. Teambuildr is an online software that allows the coaching staff to send individualized programming and collect data for training and wellness. Tendo Units is a means to measure performance during certain training phases. These devices are utilized for Velocity-Based Training (VBT) and provide immediate feedback on power trends, nervous system fatigue, and strength during training sessions. Freelap, an automated timing system, is used to measure acceleration and max velocity speed during field work. Along with Freelap, Just Jump mats are used for plyometric training.
  • What does the term “wellness” mean for a student-athlete?

    Wellness encompasses both physical and psychological outcomes. Our goal is to train the “total” student-athlete. Ultimately, we want to develop great young men and women who possess quality leadership characteristics.

    Student vs student-athlete wellness is drastically different. While the goal remains the same, the stress that each student-athlete experiences is extremely contrasting. Not only do these individuals carry the same academic workload as all students they also participate in vigorous physical activity. The fatigue and stress these individuals manage on a daily basis is quite demanding. The resiliency these individuals develop through this process will benefit them for life. 
Casady School is an independent, co-educational, college preparatory, Episcopal day school serving students in pre-k-12. Educating Mind, Body, and Spirit.
Casady School is a PreK-12, independent, college preparatory Episcopal day school committed to deeper-level learning. Casady School welcomes a student body that reflects the diversity of the world around us and therefore does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, nationality, or ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, athletics, and other school-administered programs generally accorded or made available to students at the School.